Local database (windows)

I created database and some apps for it (windows apps) - when I load my database trought AppBuilder everything is working just fine, my apps are working and everything else, but that's not what's bothering me. Is there any possibile way to start my database over shortcut or .bat file or something similar, I want to use database conncetion just on one PC, more precisely locally (windows connection - not server) - I don't want to User use AppBuilder, User needs to just start app and after that be connected to database, help?


Create a shortcut and in the properties use a command such as:

c:\openedge\bin\prowin.exe -1 -db dbname -p c:\appdir\startup.p

Where "prowin.exe" is the Progress client executable (prowin32.exe if you are on an old, crusty 32 bit release, _progres.exe if you are running a character application). "-1" means "single user mode". You would use that if you are NOT starting a server for the db (it sounds like that might be your intent). The "-p c:\appdir\startup.p" part specifies the name of the procedure that you want to run at startup. Not shown would be "-pf parameterfile.pf" which you might use for additional parameters. That's handy if you'd like to avoid modifying the shortcut.

Or, if you need fancy logic, specify a BAT file.
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