List of employees who are delivery mangers, invoice owners, etc..

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New Member
I want to create a dropdown of the employees who are either "Delivery owner","Invoice Owner","Account manager","Primary SalesPerson" of any project. Pls. note all the above are fields pj1_delivery_resp, pj1_invoice_resp, pj1_act_mgr, pj1_sp6 in projectMaster table i.e pj1_mstr which store employee code. Also i need to capture "Sub_account" - e1_sub_act ,"Cost_center" - e1_cc,"Mcase" - e1_mcase of those employees from table e1_mstr (Empoyee Master).

Even if i am able to get the list in temp-table its fine.
The temp-table should contain following fields:
1) tt_class (storing strings - "Delivery owner" or "Invoice Owner" or "Account manager" or "Primary SalesPerson")
2) tt_pj1_code (storing project code)
3) tt_e1_emp_code (storing employee code)
4) tt_e1_sub_act (storing employee Sub Account)
5) tt_e1_cc (storing employee Cost Center)
6) tt_e1_mcase (storing employee MCASE).

Thanks in advance.
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