let a normal window act like a dialog


New Member

I have a Progress V9 program (a window where it's possible to create link between data), that has to act like a normal window and like a dialog window.

It can be called from 2 sources:
- a central treeview-application-menu (act like a normal .w)
- from another program that imports stuff into our database; when a link can't be found, it needs to act like a dialog so there has to be created a link for the imported data.

Is there any way to do this without having two separated files?

Thanks in advance!
how about, putting everything in a container frame.

and attaching it to a dialog-box frame, by setting the container frame, frame attribute dynamically when the program starts up.

or attaching it to a window, by setting the container frame, parent attribute dynamically. hth
how about, putting everything in a container frame.

and attaching it to a dialog-box frame, by setting the container frame, frame attribute dynamically when the program starts up.

or attaching it to a window, by setting the container frame, parent attribute dynamically. hth

Hi, thank you for this answer. :)
I think this will do the trick.
But... I've never worked with containers (always standard windows with the appbuilder), so I'm searching how this works. Nevertheless, i can't find anything about containers in the progress books we have here. Can you give me a little hint where to find more information about containers?
adm2, or plain, good ol' 4gl ?

i meant a regular frame, i just used container as a term to describe it's role