LEFT OUTER JOIN - How to select one of multiple records


Hi to all.

I need to pull data from PROGRESS DB versione 10.2.b to a SQL SERVER Table using SSIS of MICROSOFT.

I connect using ODBC Driver Client Access 10.2.b

All is ok but i need an help to do the SQL Query.
I need to obtain ONLY one row from multiple records.
I need to obtain ONLY the record with MAX(Date)

In T-SQL query should be like that :

select userid, my_date,...from
(select userid, my_Date,... max(my_date)
over(partitionby userid) max_my_date
from users )
where my_date = max_my_date

I did not find anytihing of similar using SQL Openedge..

Is it possibile to do that ????

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Thanks for your kind reply.
My post is very old but i appreciate your answer.
So i have a different way (it seems very performant) to do that.

Thanks again.