[Index rebuild]How much space wil be used


New Member
I have the following question:

Is there a way to define roughly the ammount of space that will be needed to perform a idxbuild.
I know it depends on the size of the DB and the number of indexes.

Or can the temporary file be stored somewhere else

(the filesystems where i have the db's dont have too much room left)
Which version of Progress (sorry - it makes a difference!)?

On most versions the temp files can be split up into multiple files (letting you place a bit here and a bit there)

Basically you can specify a structure using a file in the same directory as the .db file named <dbname>.srt

As for the size, it will depend on the number of fields on the Index, the number of fields used by any indes etc etc.


New Member
the version is 8.3D

Perhaps you have an example of a .srt file. If i can store it somewhere else it would solve my problem
Extracted from v9.1 DBA handbook

For example, if you want to rebuild the index for the sports database and you want the speed
sort to have access to 300K of space available in the
/user2/db1/first directory, 400K in the
directory, and unlimited space in the /user4/last directory, then the sports.srt looks
like this on UNIX:
300 /user2/db1/first/
400 /user3/junk/
0 /user4/last/
To estimate whether you have enough free space to sort the indexes or not, use the following
If you rebuild all the indexes in your database, sorting the indexes requires up to 75 percent
of the total database size in free space.
If you rebuild an individual index, sorting that index requires as much as the following
amount of free space:
size of one index entry ) * ( number of records in file ) * 3
