Increase number of users


New Member
Users connect through a citrix client to a database.
From friday had a problem where only the first 4 to connect do so successfully, users after this get error about exceeding the number of connections to this database server.
The database had been restarted to no effect as have the citrix servers.
I have noticed with the Database monitor that it is limited to 4 servers and 41 users. Could something have gone awry where it is seeing users as servers.
Please forgive my ignorance on this, my boss is away and I have exhausted my limited knowledge
Fixed problem

The problem was that the mail files for the local users had taken up all the space on /var. Cleared this out and all is fine.
Thank you to those that took the trouble to look

interesting. I had /var reach 97% on me. EDI and Fax was on that file system. An expired fax reached 600meg. I had to make some adjustments.