If you get an answer it's polite to reply


ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
I'm just saying ...

I know alot of us take the forums for granted and at times they're worth more then the 20% we pay for maint support.

But if you get an answer and even if it's not perfect, if someone takes the time and effort to post an answer at the very least it's polite to reply.
And of course, if the answer posted is unsuccessful, or only helps you on your way, it is VERY useful to the rest of us to see how you solved the problem in the end.

Additionally, if in two months time someone searches for info, and finds an answer on a thread, but doesn't know whether it worked or not, it is quite irritating.

Hi Lee,

You make a very important point. But I think, it's not all about efficiency, if you go out of your way to help someone out ( as you've done many times ) at the very least he should say thank you.

It's turning into something people take for granted, it's not as if it's our job. I think, we genuinely do it to help ( where ever we can ) it's not always an interesting discussion and it's not as if we're expecting anything in return.

I've made too much out of it, but I just think it' s... rude ( I'm not just talking about progresstalk.com ).
I completely agree, but unfortunately courtesy does not play a huge part in today's world.

But you are absolutely right to demand it.

I often do this in real life, and people just look at me as though I'm mentally ill or something.