HTML- Prowin32


How can I start prowin32 from a HTML page?
Basically I want to have a button on an HTML page that will do the following
d:\\Progress\CLIENT\DLC83B\bin\prowin32.exe -pf C:\prodata\ -pf -ininame C:\prodata\PROGRESSlive.SVG

I am using version 8.3 Progress on win nt/98
I have downloaded it but it is perl script and I dont know Perl.
I would rather not use something I don't understand.
I would prefer to be given an algorithm or some anotated source that I can use to develop myself so I understand it fully.
Thanks anyway.
Any further help will be gratefully recieved
Well I can understand your reluctance to not use something you are not familiar with, but in order to call a Progress program from a web page, you will need to use some sort of CGI programming language to do it. In mind opinion, Perl is probably is path of least resistance. A couple months ago, I was also a Progress programmer with no Perl knowledge, but this web site is written in Perl, and I was able to pick it up and start making enhancements without too much trouble. There are many great resources out there for Perl that are helpful, and if you follow the information in PROCGI, you probably won't have to change too much in the Perl scripts anyway.



Chris Schreiber Manager
I shall have a play then.
Do I need a Perl editor?
Can I modify the source?
I found the installation quite confusing. any help with this is welcome.
Thanks for the help.
You can modified Perl source code in any text editor... I recommend either TextPad ( ) or UltraEdit ( ) as both provide color syntax hilighting for both Perl and Progress source code.

If you are working on a Windows machine, you'll probably want to download ActivePerl ( ) which will let you compile and run Perl code on Windows. If you don't have Perl installed on your Unix system (most do) just go to to download Perl 5 for your platform.


Chris Schreiber Manager