Answered How to "prodict" without 4GL Development Kit?

Hello community,

My objective is to make an automated dump/load of data and definitions of a certain database, from CLI. But there is no shell tool for that and I am researching for build my own ABL tool.

I know the article 15884 in Progress Community. It's not enough because I don't have 4GL Development Kit licence in the server.
Should I extract the pl's files mentioned in that post anyway? Is that "legal"?

Also I read a little more (article P11858) and found this GitHub project (progress/ADE/tree/v11.7.13.0) published like this was free, but I want to be sure.

Thank you for your attention and responses.
PCT has targets for dumping & loading data & definitions, see Home.
PCT is shipped with recent OpenEdge versions

For specific dump & load needs, I created code Using the OpenEdge.DataAdmin.* packages.
Unfortunately those are largely undocumented, it required a couple of tech support cases before I could get that working.
It's not enough because I don't have 4GL Development Kit licence in the server.
Should I extract the pl's files mentioned in that post anyway? Is that "legal"?

Extracting the PL files that Progress ships is perfectly legal - Progress supplies tools (in $DLC/src) to help you do just that.

The requirement for the development license on the server is due to how the data dictionary was written, a very long time ago. It uses named arguments - not parameters - to do some quasi-dynamic coding, and this type of code needs a development license.

I do not know if PCT or the OpenEdge.DataAdmin classes have the same requirement or not.