how to find user login history in version M F G / P R O Release 9.0 SP2 ?


Hi All,

we are using MFGPRO version M F G / P R O Release 9.0 SP2 with windows environment.

We are trying to get the below user details
User id
User Name
Last logged in date

However in this version i am not able to see the Last logged in details in the table usr_mstr. Is there any way to find the Last logged in date of every user.

Please let me know. Thanks in advance .
Hi nineinch,

You may be right. but I am not able to see that table in my MFGPRO. is there any other way to track it?

Thanks in advance !
usrl_det is for Licensed Application Details. This doens't contain login history.
Login history might not be available in your version.
You would have to get it from the database log file.