How to export report to fixed-format-excel file?

It is still not clear what do u mean by Fixed format.
Anyways you can export records using the COM handle to excel format. where u cal also specify the fixed lenght for columns. it will be better to write a utility which can be used by diff programs. Let me know if you face any issues in writing the utility ....

Arshad Taqvi
These should enable you to export to CSV files or TAB-delimited Text Files that Excel should automatically import.

output to customer.csv.
for each customer no-lock:
export delimiter "," customer.
output close.

output to customer.txt.
for each customer no-lock:
export delimiter "~t" customer.
output close.

If you want to open up an Excel spreadsheet and fill in different cells with different values then it gets more complicated and you really need to use Con-handles. It can be done and it's fairly easy, but it takes more than a few lines of code.
Thank kartikeya.sharm / taqvia / parul /sphipp for your posts.

to open or saveAs excel , it can been done with COM-HANDLE. I have tested. ( Excel should exist in the OS).

export to fixed-format-excel, I think open the fixed-format-excel-model, and insert some values to special cells ( eg, B2,B3).---Still Need to test for myself.