How to check whether a folder is having RW rights?


hello all,

How to check whether the dir is having RW access?
I have checked file info file type for a directory . it is still showing "DRW" after I removed the access rights. What need to be done.?
when I try to create a file in that directory, it gives run time error "unable to create....." as I have removed the access rights.

Thanks & Regards....
It is GUI version. Before creating a new file in a directory , I want to check the whether user is having enough rights or not.

Thanks & Regards...
In windows,
you can check the folder properties.
Right clik folder and properties option and check the security tab for user permissions. there you can see the permissions set to the folders....

look up the file-info system handle in the Progress doc's, then look at who own's the directory and if the progress session has write access it should work. Also always state the O/S of the Progress client