How i know password of database

All passwords saved in _User table. Field _Password. But all passwords are one way encoded. So you cant decode it back to password string.
The only way is connect to db and set some new blank password:

find first _user where _user._userid = "username" NO-ERROR.
if available _user then
delete _user.

create _user.
_user._userid = "username".
_user._password = ENCODE ("").

If you cannot connect to db crack is impossible to execute.
Progress/OpenEdge databases do not have something like a vendor built-in master password. It's up to whoever develops the application whether and how database security is applied.

If blank userid access is disabled you are able to connect to the database with a 4GL Progress/OpenEdge runtime client but there's no way you are able to access anything.

Depending what you need to do and whether you know the OS account/password under which the database was created you are able to access the database via the SQL engine. The OS account/password under which the database was created by default has DBA privileges.

But as you didn't give us much information there is no "magic" advice that I could give ( won't be anyway :awink: ).

Best regards, RealHeavyDude.