

New Member
Hello everybody.

I am new forum’s member. I work with Progress for 6 months. I work in small office of big company that is placed In other country.

My task is difficult because I an the only software developer I our branch. I have nobody to answer my questions at the time. I have to learn alone:eek:. You are my chance:blush:.
Software we sell is quite big. It’s about 20000 files or even more.

Can anybody recommend me some nice Progress editor?

it is not quite clear what you want. Progress comes with editors. From 10.1 you can edit with eclipse, otherwise you will have to use the appbuilder or (older) User Interface Builder (UIB).

If you are looking for a Code Management System, then Roundtable is the way to go.

Otherwise, be more specific :eek:
Thanks for your reply. I used eclipse to do Java programs. I am looking for some nice and user friendly source code editor. So far i used ConText and ED4W. Could you tell me what sould I do to use Eclipse with Progress? Or where can i find some clear information about it?
Can I use it with OE 10,0B?. I would like to use Roudtable. I'm not sure if my boss would buy it.
The Eclipse implementation comes starting with 10.1A in a product called OpenEdge Architect. Depending on what you have in a 10.1B license, this could be a simple swap or an upgrade. Recently there is Roundtable support for Eclipse too, but that assumes one is willing to buy into the Roundtable religion! :)

ED4W is a very good alternative though. I have used it for years and years very happily. I have recently renewed my support on it even though I have OEA in 10.1B because I like it for editing many other kinds of files as well.