Help! ODBC error,


I progress 9.1d09 is giving me problems with odbc. what needs to be fixed?

"Exceeding permissible number of connections"


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Casper Moderator
Staff member

I guess you use a broker which accepts both 4GL and SQL connections. Once every server is filled with a 4GL connection, no more sql connections are possible since sqlsrv uses the entire server (despite the maximum clients per server parameter). AFAIK the only way to avoid this is by setting up a secondary broker at the database which only accepts SQL connections.

Look at (also links to KB P7843 for 9.1D)

(For Progress 9.1D09 there is no need to make the sql broker the primary, works also good as secondary broker. In 9.1B/C there was an issue with the reusability of sqlservers when spawned at a secondary broker. In 9.1D that's no longer an issue)




Casper hi, and thank you, you right

Yes, how to increase the current nr. of connections? what scripts progress 9.1d09 uses, I using progress on a unix machine not windows. tried progress explorer win to connect to progress server buts keeps telling me unable to connect.

-Ma -Mn parameters.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
If you're on a unix machine you can start a secondary broker with the proserve command. We never use progress explorer for the databases on unix.
If you want to connect with progress explorer then you have to make sure the adminserver is running.

First you start the the primary broker with proserve
after that you start the secondary broker with proserve (with it's own .pf).

The pf of the secondary broker should look like:
-db # Physical Database Name
-H # Host name
-S #Servicename (other form primary broker) which you define in /etc/services
-Mpb # max number of server for this broker
-m3 # secondary broker
-ServerType SQL




Casper, thank you again.
can a few changes in be useful in /progress/dlc91d09/properties/ file? can i reach it via this instead of spwning a new broker?

any maximization in via this since for the server any connection is the same as another 4gl connection i think?
we do not use odbc a lot, but it is weird when you get stuck.

# host=localhost # -H
# initialservers=0 # n/a
# maxclientsperserver=0 # -Ma (calculated value)
# maxdynamicport=5000 # -maxport (5000 for NT; 2000 for UNIX)
# messagebuffersize=350 # -Mm (4gl only)
# minclientsperserver=1 # -Mi
# mindynamicport=3000 # -minport (3000 for NT; 1025 for UNIX)
# networkclientsupport=true # false for self-service
# numberofservers=0 # -Mpb
# port=0 # -S ; Must be non-zero
# # when networkclientsupport=true
# prosqltrc=nnnnnnnnnnn # turn on various levels of SQL tracing
# reportinginterval=1 # -rpint (4gl only)
# serverexe=<4gl server location> # _mprosrv (4gl only)
# type=both # n/a

Casper Moderator
Staff member
You really have to start another broker which only excepts SQL connections to overcome the error you encountered....
There is a difference between sql servers and 4GL servers. (_mprosrv and _sqlsrv two different programs)

You can also start a secondary broker with progress explorer, although I never use progress explorer.....
I think you have to create another servergroup within your configuration....
