HELP!! newbee - lost BI files .

If you don't know the UserID's/passwords for the security administrators then, like Rhi said, try using sysprogress as user. Sysprogress has default DBA priveliges.

You have to be security administrator to add an user, so hopefully it is allready created and you know the password.
If you don't know this either, i guess the only thing that solves the problem is to do a dump/load of the database. (e.g. dump the data and load it in a newly created database).
I hope someone else has a faster working idea.

BTW are you sure that there is no list of UserID's / passwords for the security administrators and/or the creator of the database? There must be someone who knows this.

Hi! Casper, Tamhas, Tom, Rhi

I appreciate all your responses I feel I have learned quite a bit from you guys. The permission was because of the startup was used by some other user than root. I found the startup script that does su - and then everything was ok. Developers extracted information that was required and updated the retored database on development box and I took backup of the updated database and restored it on Production so we had no data loss.

Looks like after this I own all progress databases now, my manager has agreed to send me for Progress training.

I need one more help from you gurus, if you can list me some books and how much you give your ratings it will help me more supporting all the progress databases I have, quite a few I would say

Again I can't put in words how much I would like to thank you for your help. I am sooo relaxed now.

thanks again