Help! Insert Statement


New Member
Hi all,
I'm a newbie to progress database, currently using progress 9.1d. I'm trying to insert data using procedure editor, but I cannot insert multiple rows, can help me on this matter? below are my codes

INSERT INTO dimCoating

When only insert 1 row, there is no problem, but multiple rows cannot. Please help! Appreciate your kindness!
None the less...

9.1d is ancient, obsolete and unsupported. You should upgrade. OpenEdge 10.2B is the current release of Progress.

The procedure editor is an interface to the 4GL. The 4GL contains limited support for the SQL-89 dialect but SQL-89 is not the natural way to manipulate data from the 4GL. You will only find pain and suffering if you go down that road. Turn around now while you still have your sanity.

The SQL-92 interface is available via ODBC and sqlexp for Progress 9.1d. Not from the procedure editor. It is used primarily to support reporting tools. It is not very good for any sort of transactional activity.

SQL-92 in Progress 9.1D and earlier has a lot of performance issues. It is a bit better in 9.1E (which is the only "supported" release of Progress version 9 -- by "support" I mean they will try really hard not to laugh out loud if you call with a problem...) OpenEdge 10 SQL-92 supports type 4 drivers and is much better (but is still focused on reporting usage).