GUI for windows and linux

karel schoonjan

New Member
Hi there,

we need to develop a few screens for inputting/consulting some data on a windows AND a linux system. What is the best way for doing this knowing that there is not a lot of experience in JAVA or .NET.

all tips are welcome
In my opinion you should consider JAVA or PHP with JAVA you can have help by using Sun Java Studio 8 which is free and available on

For web development PHP is very good.

Both softwares are highly platform independent.

You'll notice that Karel explicitly stated that they don't have much Java experience and since the posting is in a Progress oriented forum I've got a feeling that a Progress oriented solution is desired. Maybe I'm wrong about that but I kind of doubt it...

In any event -- since Karel needs a cross-platform solution the obvious choice is a Web UI. The obvious Progress product for delivering such a solution is, as Joey indicates, Webspeed.