Question From SSMS via ODBC to OpenEdge: (Too) many connections


New Member
At the MS SQL Server I set up an ODBC Connection to access the openEdge 11.7 data base. The connection test runs fine.
In SSMS I created a linked server. I can use this linked server with a quite simple query when querying one table and having a join to another one. Works fine.

But when I add any other join, then the query isn't executed and I get an error:

OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "DPW_DATA" returned message "[DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Broker rejects connection.".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "DPW_DATA".

Completion time: 2022-03-16T16:57:24.4039486+01:00

So i looked at proenv at the OpenEdge server and I can see 5 SQL connections to be open in that moment...

Any idea what's going on here and how to resolve this problem?
When the OpenEdge SQL broker is started it is configured, whether implicitly or explicitly, with a maximum number of servers that it will spawn (the -Mpb parameter) and a maximum number of clients per server (-Ma). You will see these parameters in promon (R&D, 1, 20) and in the database log. The product of -Mpb and -Ma is the upper bound of remote connections allowed via that broker. Note though that there are other client/server configuration parameters that can also lead to constraints.

You can start by sharing the configuration parameter values of your SQL broker.
Also, if your OpenEdge database also has native (4GL/ABL) clients connecting remotely, they should use a separate connection broker. When configuring a broker, it is possible to make it either single-protocol (4GL only, or SQL only), or dual protocol, via the -ServerType parameter. Its value can be 4GL, SQL, or BOTH. Specifying BOTH is a worst practice as it makes issues like the one you are investigating harder to predict and troubleshoot.

Therefore it would be helpful to know if this database has other brokers aside from the one you are connecting to, and the values of their relevant configuration settings.