Forum Post: RE: System Down, DB won't start

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James Palmer

I consider this a bug. What do others think? If I take a copy of Sports2000 and proserve it from proenv with the PF below I get an error due to the case of -BPMax. -db C:\Database\s2k\s2k.db -B 75000 -minport 3000 -maxport 5000 -lruskips 50 -B2 600 -BPmax 100 -Mxs 25 -L 8192 -hash 13063 -spin 24000 -shmsegsize 512 -bibufs 20 -aibufs 20 -Ma 5 -Mn 6 -Mi 1 -n 50 -Mm 4096 -Mpb 5 -omsize 2660 The error is C:\Database\s2k proserve -pf OpenEdge Release 11.2.1 as of Mon Apr 29 19:26:32 EDT 2013 08:35:19 SERVER : You have not supplied a parameter for argument -P. (1403) If, on the other hand, I import the pf into OE Management and start the DB it looks like it's starting, but it doesn't and the log is blank. There is no report as to what has failed. I suspect the errors I was getting above on production re Replication are due to something OE Management does after it's tried starting the DB. I'm going to try and test that but that will be harder to replicate due to replication.

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