Forum Post: Re: Can Abl Window Remain Active When A .net Form Is Called?

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Laura Stern

First, you don't need to call show on the window that you pass into Application:Run(), though it doesn't hurt to do that. .Net will automatically call Show() on it for you. Second, it's not clear to me how you are displaying the ABL window. You should have the Application:Run at the start as Mike said. Then you would just view the ABL window without any WAIT-FOR. It will become visible and active along with any other non-modal window or form, under the existing WAIT-FOR. Only calling WAIT-FOR frm:ShowDialog() or a WAIT-FOR on an ABL window with VIEW-AS DIALOG-BOX that should block access to those non-modal forms/Windows. Lastly, if you had passed a form into Application:Run, you don't need to call Application:Exit. You just need to close that main form. Alternatively, you can also call Application:Run with no parameter, e.g. if the app dynamically decides which form to open first (which you would then just call Show() on). In that case you need to call Application:Exit to end the application.

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