Forum Post: Finding potentially dead code in OOABL

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Fabian Frank

Before starting to write my own solution I want to make sure not to reinvent the wheel. I'm only interested in OOABL and static analysis, no runtime statistics, code coverage etc. I searched for tools aimed at this purpose in this forum, ProgressTalk and Stackoverflow. The Results: Exchange 2013 presentation from Thomas Mercer-Hursh: Analysis Problems in ABL and How To Solve Them Progress Community: Analysing code ProgressTalk: Detecting Unused Code EnterpriseArchitect, Joanju Analyst, Roundtable TSMS and the new Sonar based tool from Gilles Querret are all related to code analysis in some way. I haven't used any of them yet, but based on what I read, my first impression is that they don't offer excactly what I'm looking for. If I'm right on that, this would mean writing my own solution based on the lower level "tools" XREF or Proparse. Because Proparse is no longer maintened and supports no 11.x releases, this would leave XREF as the only option. It's sad that xref does not include private members, but compared to the effort needed to write my own parser, I think I can live with that. A very quick and dirty solution could be to make all private members protected with regex based search and replace before creating the xref files.

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