Forum Post: Binding jsdo kendo.datasource to a listview using angularjs

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I'm converting your mvvm pattern template to use angular instead (or trying to anyway). I get the data , but the binding is showing [object Object]. It's obviously nesting the data further in, but how do I get to it. In the mvvm examples, we used $(field_name). I'm trying to use {{ field_name }} or {{ dataItem.field_name }} and I get that same output. I get the right amount of rows, but they are just the object. Here is how I am requesting the data (which works as far as getting the data): $scope.listDataSource = new{ type: "jsdo", serverPaging: true, serverFiltering: true, filter: { field: "cust_no", operator: "eq", value: "abc" }, serverSorting: true, sort: { field: "connect_type", dir: "asc" }, transport: { jsdo: jsdoSettings.resourceName, tableRef: "ttCustomerConnection", countFnName: "Count" }, schema: { model: { fields: { id: { type: "string" }, seq: { type: "number" }, cust_no: { type: "string" }, connect_type: { type: "string" }, connect_type_desc: { type: "string" }, ip_address: { type: "string" }, user_name: { type: "string" }, password: { type: "string" }, server_name: { type: "string" }, VPN_required: { type: "Boolean" }, notes: { type: "string" }, change_userid: { type: "string" }, change_date: { type: "date" }, change_time: { type: "string" } } } }, error: function(e) { // removed for brevity } } ); And here is the html: kendo-mobile-view id="list" k-title="'List View'" k-layout="'default'" k-on-before-show="OnBeforeShow()" ng-controller="ListController" kendo-mobile-list-view id="conList" class="item-list" k-data-source="listDataSource" h3 class="item-title" {{ dataItem.cust_no }} /h3 p class="item-info" {{ dataItem.ip_address }} /p /kendo-mobile-list-view /kendo-mobile-view Anybody able to help with this one?

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