Forum Post: ABL2DB release 0.70

  • Thread starter Thomas Mercer-Hursh
  • Start date
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Thomas Mercer-Hursh

A new release of ABL2DB has been uploaded to OE Hive ( ). This is a fairly significant transition because it will now support as many source and run directories as you feel like typing. In particular, this means that if you have a base release version and N directories containing customer-specific code, you can make a list of N+1 with all these directories and have all of the code in ABL2DB for analysis at the same time. There are currently no specific utilities for restricting analysis to a specific image, i.e., what is at one customer's site, but since the source directory information is there, this could easily be added to any given analysis. Specific features added include: 0.70 - Modify path utilities to better handle Windows drives. - Shift to support multiple sort and run directories - Change DiskFile.chSourceDirectory to DiskFile.chBaseDirectory. - Add fields to CompileUnit for RCode, Xref, List, and Debug base directory. - Add SchemaUtilites class to centralize MetaDB Name logic. - Add FindTableForBuffer method in SchemaUtilities.cls to match buffer names to tables with potential site customization. Enjoy and keep the feedback coming!

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