Force a Tooltip in a fill-in to Show


New Member
Does anyone know if there is a way to fire off a tooltip in a fill-in without having focus from the mouse.

Ex. When caps Lock is on and you go to login to an Application you get the ballon tooltip say "Caps Lock Is On".

I am not 100% sure if it is possible from Progress. If it is, it will take some very complicated dll calls.
Though I am confused, you have jumped to a conclusion for what you require. Actualy there IS a very simple work around, that is just as effective.
Simply in the block where you require to place this TOOLTIP, just pop up a Progress frame with your required text. Have a WAIT of some sort, to enable the user to read the text then drop the message. This could be the pause command or an iteration loop, get the idea?
You can probably do this using API calls although I have no idea how. But if you don't already know, try looking on It has a lot of info on API calls and I'm sure that with a bit of investigation, you can develop your tooltip control.
