Flat File to XML Conversion

jai shankar

New Member
hi everybody,
can anyone tell me how can we convert a datafile(Text format to XML format) in Progress.
thanks in Advance.
depends on what is in the file and what you expect of the xml-file that should come out of it.
maybe you could be a tiny bit more specific?
With XML You can choose any tag you want. So if you want to make a XML document from a text document all you need to do is find the logic in your text document. Name tags and fill them with whatever is in your text document. With XML you can also do stuff like <tag>put here your textdocument </tag>. So that's the reason why you got to be more specific.

XML Conversion

Thanks to all of U for Reply.
As I think that i have to be little bit more specific regarding my problem.
basicaaly I want to generate a XML doc from report.But there is a specfic view regarding xml.
<?xml.......... ?>
<abc:fgh abc:"http:www.w3c.com...............>

hope now u all can clearly understand my problem.
Please reply soon.
thanks in advance.