Extracting Data from A Progress Database


New Member
I need to extract some data from a Progress database. I do not have a copy of Progress and all the components I have found seem to require the Progress Database to be running for me to access it

I do not want to purchase a copy of Progress if I do no need to.

Can anyone give me some advice ? Are there any components that allow me to extract the data from a Progress Database without running progress ?
how did you come across it ?

what do you have ? any dot exe's ?

do you know what version it is ( exactly ) ?

hey, if it's small enough and i've got a compatible copy, i wouldn't mind doing it for you

Thanks Joey but I need a way to do it myself. The data I have is from a client and I cannot release it to anyone else

Is there any way to access the Progress Database without running Progress or could you write a routine for us that would extract all the data and file structures into say an access database or DBase files if we had the runtime version of Progress ?
ronone69 said:
Thanks Joey but I need a way to do it myself. The data I have is from a client and I cannot release it to anyone else

Is there any way to access the Progress Database without running Progress or could you write a routine for us that would extract all the data and file structures into say an access database or DBase files if we had the runtime version of Progress ?

if the client has a working copy, why not do it there ? i hope you're
getting the support needed from your client.

of course the database uses a proprietary architecture and it would be
pretty impossible to get at the data without a client, although there
are some pretty talented people out there.

just for arguments sake, you'd need to be able to read the index b-tree
structure to get into the records. block headers, compression
algorithm, not to mention key locks and what else etc.

record blocks, headers, slots, data-type structures, recid locks,
schema etc. and we haven't even started. point is you'll need a client.

you can use the dictionary and there are plenty of scripts out there to
dump the data into text files, convert into another database type etc.

the chit chat list isn't exactly to most appropriate place to post your
question. development questions go in the development list, dba in the
dba list and serious questions in peg :)
The client has Progress Runtime only and I do not seem to be be able to run any of the conversion / extraction utilities on their system as the runtime does not give me access to the menu options

I am happy to post this elsewhere. I just thought this was a place to start
you can use the -rx startup parameter to get into the schema, but this
option is limited and will not give you access to the data.

i can write a dynamic script, xcode and send it over so you can compile
and run it with a run-time license.

worth a shot. what do you need and what version are you working on
exactly ? hth
allow me to add mine five cents.
We are also using some Progress Runtime (Unit4's Multivers), it is indeed very limited environment, but it does not change the fact that it is still an SQL driven DB.
You can thus download OpenLink ODBC/OLEDB drivers and tap all data
into any ODBC-compliant DB of your choice. (in our case, we export every day all data into MSSQL DB)
If you want to take this route I can assist you with proper ODBC settings.

Best Regards,
old progress files


i have a comparable problem:

a friend of mine - owner of a video store - had all of his data in an old progress db. some days ago the whole thing crashed and doesnt want to boot anymore(old suse linux from 1995).

i now need to somehow extract all the data from the old database files (i have a full harddrive backup, but cant get it running on a new drive) - preferably as csv or sql commands.

surely, i dont want to buy a progress license just to extract the data from the old files and the license used until now belonged to the former video store owner(not reachable).

could anyone help me with this, i.e. tell me which files are needed and do the job for me? i'd be very thankful and willing to help my saviour in any way possible(php, sql, java, ruby/ruby on rails,jscript,...).

this is very urgent!

thanks in advance, chris
hi chris, i'd be happy to help if i can.

first of the oldest copy i've got is for msdos v6.2m. i don't know if it can open a database from a diff platform.

never tried it, but the usual recommendation for changing platforms is a text dump and load.

do you know the exact progress version and os ? is it really linux ? was there even support for linux back then ??

i'll try making a few calls if someone has the copy you're looking for.

oh, how big is the database ? plus any other info you think might be relevant.

btw what exactly is the problem ? is the server not starting up ? database won't open ? lost executables etc. ?

maybe there's a few things you can try first. the first thing i'd do is backup everything you can.
thanks for the reply!

the progress version is 8.2(the file proutil is in a folder 82dbutils) or at least 7.7.90 (that number is mentioned in a textfile(start_db) in the program directory like this:"# build in by as on 7.7.90 : check of lk file") and the OS is definitely suse linux, set up somewhen between 95 and 2000. im a debian user but im sure i could look the suse version up with some google help, if necessary.

the video.db file is 26.7 MB, video.bi = 2MB, video.lk = 0b

the problem occured as follows:
at first, the program didnt start anymore, saying: no server for database 'video'.

so i tried to reboot, with the effekt that the system didnt boot anymore (although i can access the data on the disk when i connect it to my pc as hdb) - it hangs at 'LI' of 'LILO' (i tried all the suggested solutions found on google/suse forums).

and then i was where i am now, having the data files but no way to get the data out =)

cheers, chris
p.s.: i can upload the files to a fast server, if you want to have a look.
that was simple enough. i guess sometimes things are that simple.

the progress version was 8.3b, physical database name /usr/video/video.db

dumped the data into .csv files, schema definition and mssql equivalent.
the whole thing zipped to just about 3megs.

a few guys have written conversion routines to mysql, mssql, oracle etc. i think, scott auge also wrote something similar.

if that doesn't work maybe we'll try that next week.

i think i'll charge more then a beer this time, maybe a six pack, i know what people are going to say but i have to insist :)

send me your email !
I have a database backup of a Progress DB that I need recovered. I have my old Progress CD and the software needed, but i have no idea where I put the serial number. I would really like it transferred to an access db or maybe SQL server so i create a web based interface pretty easily.

The computer it used to be on has crashed, who can help me tab this database? It was made with progress 8.3A.
I have:
.db file - 20,160 KB
.BI file - 2,048 KB
.LG file - 4 KB
.PSI file - 3 KB

I need my custormer info back ASAP! And I'll back up the system better from now on I swear! :)
>>who can help me tab this database
joey probably can - if he likes to ;)

>>I would really like it transferred to an access db or maybe SQL server
why use access when there are sophisticated & powerful RDBMS like postgresql, or mysql? during the last years, i had many customers wanting their data to be exported from access, and not a single one wanting it the other way round =)

I don't have a lot of time to work on this. Using Access I can put something together very quick, and later on when I have more time I can convert it easily to other, more spohisticated formats