Explorer Tool....Windows Server 2008....


New Member
We have a Windows Server 2008 box acting as an access jumping off point to our live and test servers. The Live and Test servers themselves are just Windows Server regular flavour, so if I could get on to those physically I could just use Explorer tool normally. However we can only access the jumping off server, and that is Server 2008. If i try to run progress explorer tool from there it blows up saying java.exe has stopped working, and then some stuff about the MMC snap in control.

I thought I could however kick open a ProEnv session and remote query the brokers that way, i.e. wtbman -host xx.xx.xx.xx -name xx -query, but this also throws up a java.exe stopped working error.

Anyone know a way round this, is there a patch to allow the explorer tool to work on 2008??

Did you check with the product availability guide whether your version of Progress or OpenEdge supports Windows Server 2008?

Regards, RealHeavyDude.