Excel Spreadsheet OCX


New Member
I have developed several progress 9.1D gui windows with Microsoft Office Spreadsheet10 OCX on them for data viewing and export. On my PC they work fine. When I installed them to the clients PCs I get a message that "the ActiveX may not be registered or the OCX file is not found", no error number, just this text.
All PCs operate with Windows XP and using OFFICE 2003. I have checked the office version and it is the same.
In the Progress palette though of the client when I select the OCX and the list appears, I have Microsoft Office Spreadsheet11 OCX only. On my PC I have Microsoft Office Spreadsheet10 OCX and Microsoft Office Spreadsheet11 OCX in the list.
What causes this and how can I fix it? Any ideas anyone?

Progress reported that the error were with the OCX, not being registered. This is the BIG giveaway to the problem. The problem is that in your ADE, the OCX were registered, however you have now identified that at runtime (in your client environment) there is a problem. You need to install the OCX in the client's environment. Simply "using Windows", find the OCX in your ADE, copy it to your memory stick,floppy etc.. (some medium) and install the OCX in exactly the same path. This way your clients environment will match exactly your ADE, and will execute no problems.
Excuse my ignorence....How exactly do I go to my ADE in windows and where exactly do I find the OCX file?
mkontou said:
I have developed several progress 9.1D gui windows with Microsoft Office Spreadsheet10 OCX on them for data viewing and export. On my PC they work fine. When I installed them to the clients PCs I get a message that "the ActiveX may not be registered or the OCX file is not found", no error number, just this text.

What causes this and how can I fix it? Any ideas anyone?

There's two issues here I can think of:

1. (As Lord suggested): You need to make sure the OCX is registered on the client (you can use regsrvr32). There is an example in the KB to check whether it's registered at run-time: KB 18195

2. For the Excel OCX functionality, there is a secondary DLL that needs to be registered (presumably on client machine also):
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSOWC.DLL. See KB P6044.


Obviousley you are not skilled in Progress API (Application Programming Interface). There are courses!!!
Basicly you need to make sure the environments are the same.
Both ADE (Application Development Environment) and RunTime (client side). If you are using OCX and/or objects they need to be configured identical. This is simple using M$ Windows. Just cutting + pasting into the same path is sufficient.
lord_icon said:
Obviousley you are not skilled in Progress API (Application Programming Interface). There are courses!!!
Much cheaper to do what he/she's doing. Learn by practice/mentoring.

Most of us lack experience in some areas.
i agree with Lee Curzon
some of the courses cost more then the products

though i like their sales pitch
if you think education is expensive try ignorance

for me, hitting the books and then gradually building experience
works best, a mix of both not just one of them

i'm not really a fan of the trail and error caveman approach
atleast go thru all the material first

now a days you can get all the material you need on-line and for free
and it doesn't have to be just progress either

almost all databases are built on the same
basic concepts, mechanisms, structures etc.
joey.jeremiah said:
for me, hitting the books and then gradually building experience
works best, a mix of both not just one of them

i'm not really a fan of the trail and error caveman approach
atleast go thru all the material first

now a days you can get all the material you need on-line and for free
and it doesn't have to be just progress either

almost all databases are built on the same
basic concepts, mechanisms, structures etc.

Definitely. I have to say though that many of the programmers I've worked with seem to take the 'books are for wimps' approach.
Much cheaper to do what he/she's doing. Learn by practice/mentoring.
+ Other comments.

I can appreciate the cost issue, I were just being objective. I too realise that courses £$£$ high. I personally went the best route, I took PSC to pieces to see how to do things in the ADE. I am not trained - I wish I could afford to be. I however have had tremendous experiences with PSC, I have the basic training for the different GUI versions. V8 through OpenEdge 10. Practise is the best training, try, try, then fail and then you will realise why you failed!!!!
that's what i meant by "caveman" approach

it would take years to try figuring out even the basics
and at the end there's no guarantee you'll even be close

why not crack open a book once in a while ?

and if you don't have the time
just take 5 minutes to read the on-line help ( f1 )

everytime you stumble on anything new

it's also that much harder with 4gl
because there's alot of added behavior you're not even seeing

like the brochure says "to simplify and accelerate"

in c or pascal the program does exactly what you tell it to
in 4gl alot of it is added implicitly

e.g. when i first started out with progress as a kid
after writing a few personal projects in pascal and assembler

i didn't get the display statement behavior
sometimes you need to add down sometimes you don't

i also found it amazing that frames get magically formed
from field references without explicitly defining them

there should be some simple, conventional way of testing/proving
a progress programmer ability for customers and contractors

there's alot of programmers out there
who are causing much more harm then good

and making progress and all of us look bad
just strolled over to sonic education services and came across
this $2000, 4 day course

by the way progress aren't that far behind

god damn, it's almost as much as i spend
on one year tuition at university
All of you have a point guys. Trainnings are very expensive but very usefull, trying to figure things on your own is good but you may take ages to accomplish something. Unfortunetly for us in Cyprus we are the only company using Progress and to get trainned in official courses it is required to travel abroad, stay in hotels ... things that cost a lot of money with out the course expenses. So, the only way we are learning is the hard way. Knowledge base search, advice and suggesiton for all of you here and of course reading. We are learning but very slow. This is the reason some of my posts may look stupid to some of you, but seriously your comments and suggesiton help us a lot.
there's also the option of web based training ( on-line courses )
for what it's worth

imho, a continuous learning program should be apart of any company
with people specializing in diff areas ( dba, web, gui, .net etc. )

hey, we're neighbors i'm from israel, fly me over :p
psdn \ education \ web-based training
but why not give progress a call

from what i remember, prices range form $200-$1500
for the duration of 3-6 monthes


i would also recommend attending the web events ( video classrooms )
usually ~2 every month, for about an hour ( free of course )

heres the link for the archive of records events
going back to 2002


take the time to get to know psdn a little better
good luck !
I were being objective with my comment - there are courses!!! (cover myself within PRGS)!!! My personal opinion is that practise makes for the best course!!! You need to learn somewhere!!! Why NOT yourself??!! Fumble around youself, if you fall over ask here - best method to appriciate what is happening!!