Question Euro Sign - Which Code Page

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Which codepage do I need for the users to be able to enter the € in the application? Currently on ISO8859-1 I believe which I know doesn't have it. Ideally it would be one I can switch to without having to do any complicated conversions.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Perfect thanks Osborne. I think we can safely use the 1252 codepage.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
1252 seems to work ok for the GUI application but doesn't seem to for the CHUI. Is it possible to display the sign in a CHUI environment?


Active Member
What are you using to access the CHUI side? You might have to tweak some codepage settings in Putty or whatever you are using.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
I'm looking at it through a command prompt myself. The users are using a Georgia Softworks telnet client running on hand held barcode scanners.


Was that Georgia Softworks stuff released in the last 15 years? If it was then it *ought* to have support for the Euro.. Then again you did say "telnet"....

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for all the pointers. Not working yet, but the most important is the GUI as that's where they print documents from to go back to their customers.


Regarding the telnet sessions -- if Georgia Softworks doesn't have an obvious way to set the code page try the "mode" command from a command prompt.