Error while trying to extract data from my database


New Member
Hi !

I use Pentaho Metadata Editor to extract data from my Progress database
But when I try to extract, i have an error :
Unable to get list of rows from ResultSet :

Couldn't get row from result set
[JDBC OpenEdge Driver]:[]Internal error -1 (see dsmret.h) in SQL from subsystem DSM SERVICES function dsmCursorFind called from tpl_scan_fetch on PUB.dossier for PUB.i1_dossier. Save log for Progress technical support.

There are tables for which there are no problems, and others for which there are this error.

It doesn't come from Pentaho Metadata Editor because with the SQL Explorer Tool of OpenEdge, i have exactly the same error :
=== SQL Exception 1 ===
[JDBC OpenEdge Driver]:[]Internal error -1 (see dsmret.h) in SQL from subsystem DSM SERVICES function dsmCursorFind called from tpl_scan_fetch on PUB.lieu for PUB.i3_lieu. Save log for Progress technical support.

Where does this error come from ? Do you have an idea ?
Is it comes from data or connexion or another thing ?

Thanks !

Ps : sorry for my english, i'm french... :biggrin:
I find this... it's look like my problem...

ID: P103170
Title: "SQL select query that scans table records for data produces -219901 error"
Created: 04/13/2005 Last Modified: 04/28/2005 Status: Unverified

Running SQL-92 SELECT query on some database tables produces error

[JDBC OpenEdge Driver]:Internal error -1 (see dsmret.h) in SQL from subsystem DSM SERVICES function dsmCursorFind called from tpl_scan_fetch on PUB.CUST-SHIPTO for PUB.cust-shipto-idx. Save log for Progress technical support.
Tables may be accessed using 4GL code without error

OpenEdge 10.0x
Windows 32 Intel

bug # 20050414-025
Segmented records are not handled properly when performing a table scan.

Upgrade to 10.0B02

So I have to upgrade to 10.0B02 ??
Is it free ? Is it a heavy procedure ?
pffff :(:mad:
Upgrades are free if you have been keeping your maintenance up to date.

Yes, it is easy.

The current active releases are 10.1C and 10.2A. You should upgrade to one of those not 10.0B. 10.0B is almost as ancient, obsolete and unsupported as 9.X.
Ok Ok...

So with Progress 10.0B we can't read some table via JDBC driver...

So, to do a little programm i have to change twenty databases on 5 servers from version 10.0B to 10.2...-_-'

I'm happy ! :o
I just arrive in my enterprise, I can't do anything about that...

To come back to my problem, when I execute this query, I have the error :
Select * FROM PUB.dossier
But when I try this :
Select * FROM PUB.dossier where index_dossier > 1
It works...

Both queries have to return the same result cause all index_dossier are > to 1

Very strange...:confused:
Select * FROM PUB.dossier where index_dossier > 1
This probably is an indexfield and thus enforces the sql enigne to use an index.

Select * FROM PUB.dossier

Is by definition a table scan.

The KB says:
Segmented records are not handled properly when performing a table scan

So there you go.
You can check if this is the case by looking at the query plan in both cases.
(I am interseted if the query, when run with noexecute option, will give a query plan or that it will also give the same error).

BTW: you get the query plan by using below query right after executing your query like this:

Select * FROM PUB.dossier noexecute;
select "_Pnumber", substring ("_Description",1, 80) from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Pnumber" = (select max("_Pnumber") from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Ptype" > 0);


I just arrive in my enterprise, I can't do anything about that...

Sure you can. You can raise awareness that you are having to spend extra time, and therefore money, coding around specific bugs which have been fixed and that the enterprise is at risk as a result of out of date software. They aren't still running unpatched Windows 98 desktops are they?

You don't have to be obnoxious about it but you can certainly make sure that the appropriate people are aware.
Select * FROM PUB.dossier where index_dossier > 1
This probably is an indexfield and thus enforces the sql enigne to use an index.

Select * FROM PUB.dossier
Is by definition a table scan.

The KB says:

So there you go.
You can check if this is the case by looking at the query plan in both cases.
(I am interseted if the query, when run with noexecute option, will give a query plan or that it will also give the same error).

BTW: you get the query plan by using below query right after executing your query like this:

Select * FROM PUB.dossier noexecute;
select "_Pnumber", substring ("_Description",1, 80) from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Pnumber" = (select max("_Pnumber") from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Ptype" > 0);


I try to execute these 2 queries.
The first return no result but no error too. It tells me that no results were find.

The second query return the attached file.

I don't know how it can help me... :D
Cause i don't completely understand what you said cause I'm french and i'm not an expert in databases...:D I'm not lucky...:lol: