enableSiteReplication target Issue


New Member
I have enabled the Replication on source and up & running source.
While enabling to target Dr getting an below error.

Proutil sports2000 -C enableSiteReplication target
OpenEdge Release 11.7.4 as of Wed Oct 10 19:02:14 EDT 2018
Replication (target) cannot be enabled on a database that has not already been enabled for source replication. (10370)

Source and DR repl configured properly and no conflict.

Kindly help to fix the issue.
Take incremental backup of source db after you enable the replication. Restore it on target and then try enablesitereplication target on target db.
Unable to start Target 1 REPL Database gets an below error:

17:45:29 BROKER ** This process terminated with exit code 1. (8619)
17:45:29 BROKER : Removed shared memory with segment_id: 904605401088 (16869)
17:45:29 BROKER 0: Access to database C:\Progress\Test_Target_1\sports2000\sports2000 not allowed.
The database is enabled for site replication but either replication is not running,
or this process is not authorized to open a replication enabled database. (10356)
17:45:29 BROKER The startup of this database requires 19Mb of shared memory.
Maximum segment size is 1024Mb.\r\nBroker startup failed for sports2000\r\nAgent startup failed for sports2000

If i disable the Target repl able to start, I need to start replication. Kindly give any sugesition on this to bring the database online.

If I change the available port the error is below.
Cannot start the database. Port in use: 49186
My kind suggestions is to slow down, backup a few steps and tell us:

1) How did you make the backup that you have restored to make the replication target? What, exact, command did you use? Please show both the command and its output.

2) What was the precise restore command used? Show the command and the output please.

3) Did you run any additional commands after the restore and prior to trying to start the database? If you did then please show those commands and their output.

4) What command did you use to try to start the database? If there were any .pf files involved what is in those .pf files?

5) Additionally - it might be necessary to share conmgr.properties (if you are using the admin server) and dbname.repl.properties from both the source and target databases.

Without the requested information there is really no way to know why you are getting that message. It is not the sort of message that results from one obvious mistake that is apparent as soon as you see the message. We need the other information in order to help you. We were not looking over your shoulder when you typed the commands and we cannot read your mind. So please describe *everything* that you did and provide the requested information. Or be prepared to be disappointed with our lack of useful answers. It's up to you which road you choose.
Please see the below
probkup online sports2000 sports.bkp -REPLTargetCreation
prorest sports.bkp -verbose
Proutil sports2000 –C Truncate Bi
prostrct add sports2000 addai.st
rfutil sports2000 -C aimage begin
Proutil sports2000 -C enableSiteReplication target

If I disable the Replication in target after the database will get started from target
Proutil sports2000 -C disableSiteReplication target

If the site repl is enables in taget gets an above mentioned error.
Perhaps I am blind but I do not see any output from any of those commands. I thought that I was pretty clear that you should provide that output?
Even without the output your process is completely wrong. It should be something along the lines of the following:

  1. Enable AI on the source (and enable the ai archiver too probably)
  2. Configure the sports2000.repl.properties files for both source and target.
  3. Enable the source DB for Replication (proutil sports2000 -C enablesitereplication source)
  4. Backup source with -REPLTargetCreation
  5. Copy backup to target and restore
  6. Enable the target for Replication
  7. Serve up the target database
  8. Restart the server on the source side
You need to be religious about the order you do things in. It will work if you are. It won't if you're not.

This KB looks useful. Progress KB - What are the steps to enable OpenEdge Replication on a live database on OpenEdge 10.1B or later