Enabled browser


In a character based application I have a browse with multiple enabled columns. In our world crtl-u and ctrl-g move backward and foward through the columns.
I'd like to shift focus in the columns when the user presses the Enter or Tab keys. I can get the next field to highlight, but not STAY highlighted.

for instance:

enable browse b-worki with frame f-worki

on return,tab of worki-file.linenum do:
pause message 1.
apply 'entry' to worki-file.partno in browse b-worki.
pause message 2.

wait-for ...

The above code will pause, highlight the partno field (that's good), pause.

After the second pause focus shifts back to the linenum field.

I've tried apply 'crtl-g', apply 'focus', the above apply 'entry', apply 'leave' to linenum and combinations thereof. All of them do exactly the same thing.


Thanks, Mark