Super Early Bird sold out already - Early Bird tickets still available
Soon after opening registration for our Prague 2017 conference, more than 100 delegates have already booked and taken advantage of the Super Early bird discount. If you're not one of those, don't despair, we still have Early bird tickets available. So, don't be late for this offer, book right away and grab your seat for this great Conference in Prague.
Last days to become a Speaker
You will have probably seen the Call for Speakers email, but maybe you hesitated to participate. The good news is: we still have some Speaker opportunities, so if you have an interesting story to tell, please send your session proposal to - all proposals are due by June 16th 2017. Proposals are requested to be sent as documents in either Microsoft Word or plain text format attached to an email.
Some Sponsorship opportunities still available!
If you have a product or service that you think will be interesting to the Progress community, check out our sponsorship packages to find the one that is right for you. This is your best opportunity to get in front of hundreds of Progress users in the EMEA region.
We look forward to seeing you all in Prague!
EMEA PUG Challenge Marketing Team
Soon after opening registration for our Prague 2017 conference, more than 100 delegates have already booked and taken advantage of the Super Early bird discount. If you're not one of those, don't despair, we still have Early bird tickets available. So, don't be late for this offer, book right away and grab your seat for this great Conference in Prague.
Last days to become a Speaker
You will have probably seen the Call for Speakers email, but maybe you hesitated to participate. The good news is: we still have some Speaker opportunities, so if you have an interesting story to tell, please send your session proposal to - all proposals are due by June 16th 2017. Proposals are requested to be sent as documents in either Microsoft Word or plain text format attached to an email.
Some Sponsorship opportunities still available!
If you have a product or service that you think will be interesting to the Progress community, check out our sponsorship packages to find the one that is right for you. This is your best opportunity to get in front of hundreds of Progress users in the EMEA region.
We look forward to seeing you all in Prague!
EMEA PUG Challenge Marketing Team