Question Editor and Fill-in behave different ways


Good Day!

Please help me in solve this issue.

I have an editor and a fill-in in a window. ON ANY-KEY OF trigger I wrote the following code


After running , if I type a line of test the fill-in & editor - I cannot move the left, right , Cursor up ,Cursor Down, Page up , Page down in the editor widget. However I can move the cursor in the fill-in widget.

Do I have to do any code/property changes in the editor to accomplish this.



  • x.w
    8.7 KB · Views: 4
If you remove the ANY-KEY trigger from the editor it works as expected. Why are you trying to capture the screen-value for any keypress?
If you remove the ANY-KEY trigger from the editor it works as expected. Why are you trying to capture the screen-value for any keypress?
I need to replace an existing fill-in to an editor.Due to some space constraints I would like to show the content in another editor which is hidden. Editor should pop-up (while typing) only if the length of the screen-value is more than 35 charcters.
Does the ANY-PRINTABLE trigger do what you need?

No. My window screen is highly populated with so many widgets and no ways to increase the size of the screen or re-allign the widgets. What I can do JUST replace the existing fill-in with an editor - vertical scroll bar and a popup feature. I cannot use the fill-in because if the user Press-Enter key , it never goes to the second line or chr(13) cannot be captured.
You have mis-understood me. Instead of using the ANY-KEY trigger on the editor, use the ANY-PRINTABLE. The arrows and so on still work.