dynamic find-next() on buffer-handle


New Member

I would like to get the next record of customer according to index custidx, like :
"find next Customer use-index custidx"

But I want to do this in a dynamical way (so i can do this on an artbirary table with arbitrary where-clause). Is this possible? the following doens't work:
buffer-handle:find-next("use-index where-clause arbitrary-index", no-lock) no-error.

I know there is the get-next() statement on a query. But I definitely want to avoid using a query because my query selection can be very too large, which seems to be time-consuming for initiating the query if CUSTOMER is a large table.

Someone has a clue?
I suggest rereading about dynamic queries. "Indexed-reposition" in your query and calling reposition-to-rowid(rowid) can make dynamic queries a lot less expensive.


I think the only option is to actually use a dynamic query. I've ran into similar issues/circumstances but I ended up using a dynamic query or just converting my dynamic table back to a non-dynamic temp-table.

If there is however a solution to your proble other then that I would also be interested.