Dump And Load Missed Sql Views And Permissions


New Member
Sorry if this has been covered, but I could not find enough information when I searched.

We have several Owners in our database which are used for SQL Views. During the dump and load process, none of these Owners and Views were recreated, not to mention table permissions.

Is there a utility or process to handle these beyond using Proenv, SQLExplorer, as covered in this knowledge base? Progress KB - How to dump SQL-92 privileges

I am concerned we will miss some rights, because our company has hundreds of customers with their own databases. I am looking for an automated process or script.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
The Data Administration contains the corresponding menu that allow you dump and load exactly that data: Admin / Dump Data and Definitions.

All of these can also be automated by calling the procedures behind the menu items in a batch procedure.

When you dump and load a Progress Database the usual suspects that are missed are:
  • User table contents ( _User )
  • Sequence current values
  • Security domains and permissions ( relevant when using the client principal object to authenticate against the database )
  • ...
When dumping and loading the data definition and the table contents these must be taken care of too.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


New Member
Thank you, do you have a batch file to perform these functions?

Obviously a full Dump and Load process covering all aspects would make everyone's life easier.


Well-Known Member
I am not allowed to post these here, but the ABL export statement for these tables ( _User, _View, etc. ) is sufficient.

You can write 2 ABL batch procedures for each of theses tables:
  • One that uses the ABL export statement to export the contents to a file
  • One that uses the ABL import statement to import the contents from a file.
The sequence current values are different in that you only export the sequence number and current value.

HTH, RealHeavyDude.


New Member
Thank for the reply. We ended up having a program written in house to automate the entire process of dumping the Views, Permissions, etc and then import them into the new database.