Desktop2 setup


New Member
Hi all,
We have a desktop2 environment for multiple sites. In desktop2 if the user tries to spool output to a file and the output file is placed under netui standard path...
Now I want to change this setup, when ever a particular user tries to spool the output into a file, the file should be placed in his respective home directory.

Please help me how to solve this.

You should post this to the QAD forum. Also state the environment (Windows or *nix).

Your configuration is sending output to $WRKDIR instead of $HOME, I don't have access to a Desktop2 environment, but you should be able to make the change to the file.
Hi Cecil,

Thanks for the reply... we are using Linux environment and my output is not going to $WRKDIR its actually going to /home/qnetui path (i.e D2 home path), i want to change this and instead the output file will go to each individual user...
suppose if my user id is prabas... and if i take 1.1.15 report to a file then the output file should go to my home path.../home/prabas/ currently its going to /home/qnetui/

Please help me on this, because of this my users are not able to do testing...

This is a QAD specific question. No one who doesn't know MFG/Pro is going to have a clue.