Delete Folder With Progress


New Member
I have a problem, how to delete folder with progress?
I use openedge 10.
Any idea???
Thank you...
Have a look at OS-DELETE and/or OS-COMMAND. The implementation of the OS-DELETE is, from the developers point of view, OS agnostic, but you need to be aware that, depending on the OS and the access privileges to that folder defined on the OS level, you might not succeed with OS-DELETE. OS-COMMAND gives you every freedom to call any OS command or script you want - which might be more appropriate for deleting folders.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Nope. Did you have any look into the documentation to the statements? These are just one-liners ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
lv-Directory = "c:\temp". 
OS-DELETE VALUE(lv-Directory).

Not tested it but should work.