Default Webservice Adapter Wsa1


I have installed trial version of OpenEdge on windows. I am checking default WebService Adapter wsa1 status,
WSA_ShutDown First Alert: Nov 27, 2015 10:11:47 AM Last Alert: Nov 27, 2015 10:11:47 AM Count: 1 Seen By: admin
Web Services Adapter shut down. Adapter: wsa1. (14851)

What needs to be done to active wsa1 ?


Yes, we have tomcat apache server 7 installed on my machine. we configured WSA as per progress documents and its working. we are getting successfull message in browser
" Status:wsa1:OK:111 "

But when we open progress management console where wsa1 is not showing in ACTIVE state in control tab.


Is the URL for the WSA in Mangement/Explorer the same one you have installed it in? If not change it and restart the adminserver. If you had already changed it but not restarted the adminserver, then restart that.
Hope this helps.
PS. Pacific (Progress) AppServer is also a good option (in 11.5 and above) as it has the SOAP handling built into it.