dbtool output

I need to direct my dbtool report output to a file on Linux. The tool does not ask me for this when I select 1, for report. I tried to redirect the command output (below) by supplying my input parameters to the file. This resulted in the menu and paramter selections making it to the output file, but not the output itself. I need to capture this information during a series of restores where it I am incorporating this tool to resize my SQL widths. Here is my current command:

[FONT=r_ansi][FONT=r_ansi]dbtool /data/oe-db_01 < upd-sql.in > /pkg3/log/restore/oe-db_01-tool.log
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


haven't tested this but I would guess that the output that you want to capture is going to stderr rather than stdout. So changing your command like so:

dbtool /data/oe-db_01 < upd-sql.in > /pkg3/log/restore/oe-db_01-tool.log 2>&1

should take care of your problem.

I had used 2>&1 before, but I got confused as to where to place it in the command. I tried looking through my manuals and such, but could not find anything.

Tom to the rescue!


New Member
I need to run the dbtool in a windows 2003 environment. How can i submit this as a scheduled job passing paramters and capturing the output from the job into a file