Try this
I have yet to find a DB viewer better than the one myself and a former colleague wrote between us several years ago. It produces a view of the database which you can navigate in any web browser. I attach a copy for you to play with.
Firstly, edit dbview.p with the directories you want to use, you will probably need to change c$dblist and c$html-root. Then, connect to any database with a logical name of html and then compile the three .p files, htmlscript.p, _dbconnect.p and dbview.p. Then, edit dbview.inf and put in the connection parameters for the databases you wish to produce views for.
Run dbview.p and hey presto, you should have a whole load of html files sitting in the directory you specified. Open up index.htm and get exploring!
I usually have this set up to run automatically either daily or hourly depending on how often database changes happen, and have a link on my desktop to the aforementioned index.htm.
Oh yes, and it produces a log file in the working directory, so it will need write access to this - or you could just move the log file i suppose.
Any problems, drop me a message and i'll try to help you out
p.s. Any it should work ok on unix too!