DB startup parameters

Hi all
Greetings from Richards.

since am not having any such great experience in production box,could u please help me out to know what are the basic startup parameters we will be using often and important too in database Admin part.
coud u please list it out.am using version Progress open edge10.0b.
Thanks in advance

If you are performing a lot of updates, then have a look at starting up the following :

probiw - BI Writer, only one can be started
proapw - Async Page Writers, try 2 to start with
probiw - BI Writer, only one can be started (as picked up by Casper, ta)

These facilities will only be available on the Enterprise database.
Then we shouldn't forget proaiw: starting the AI writer, because every self respecting database has after image enabled.

Personally I would setup as much of the database parameters as possible within conmgr.properties.

I like to remember that with 32 bit Progress largefiles still needs to be enabled everytime the database is created. Not a startup command, but something I am always concious of.


with AI -
aistall (especially in 10.0B since aimage archiving is not as simple as aiarchiver)

with BI -


May be paranoid, but having a database stall and stop work is better than having a database crash and chancing having to perform a recovery. Without the ability to verify good AI logs are created in 10.0B recovery could cause some data loss if the AI logs are corrupted.

well, for starters, here is a list with all the startup parameters by version:

you might check out:


Hi Casper,

Please could u specify the useful of these parameters when we used in proserve.
otherwise, tel me the site where we get information related to it.
