DataDigger 25 is here


New Member
Just in time I managed to wrap up DataDigger in a shiny wrapping paper and put it for you all under the Chrismas tree.
Now it is up to you all to unwrap it and be thankful for the gift.

Unlike normal gifts, it is perfectly accepted to report it when you find something that is not to your taste :)
Your gift can be found via the DataDigger blog at DataDigger
Or - if you are feeling adventurous - directly from GitHub

Happy Digging Christmas, y'all!


New Member
Thanks for the update.
Unfortunately I get an error on startup:
**Kan niet de UNKNOWN Value aan attribuut SENSITIVE toekennen op BUTTON btnFavourite. (4083)
This is the offending line:
btnFavourite:SENSITIVE = (glShowFavourites OR lTableFound).
glShowFavourites evaluates to ?

OpenEdge 11.7.7