Database Crash Error 759



This is the second time that our database crashed with error" no free chains avaliable" going through the KB found that ruunin6 idxbuild on small table or simply on ! will reset the free chain. Lastime did ran a idxbuild using ! . Did ran the chainanalysis and it didnt report any errors. So thought that the we have got rid of this Yesterday night the same thing happened and we just restarted the database and everything seems normal now but i have a guts feeling that the database may come down because of same error.

Is there anything else that can be done to get rid of this error permanently as this is causing database crash frequently twice in a month.

Note : That we didnt add any new extent or never ran out of disk space when database crashed.


Arshad Taqvi
If I am not wrong it's version 9.1E and OS solaris 8?????

In my opinion the check the index block for corrupt entries.
