Data Inconsistency In Appserver

we have issue data inconsistency when using buffer-copy from phisics table to temp-table via AppServer.
The record that retrieved from appserver sometimes missing value.
we have 1 table named "transsales" consist of 4 fields :

if we display the record in direct-connect environment such as progress editor the values show :
for each transsales:
display transsales.

value displayed:
transno, confirmby, confirmdate, confirmtime
1 admin 19/10/2015 10:25:16

but if we try retrieve the data from appserver using buffer-copy syntax, sometimes the value is empty but sometimes is not empty.

define temp-table tempdb
field transno as char
field confirmby as char
field confirmdate as date
field confirmtime as char.

client side:
run getdata.p on happ (output table tempdb).

server side:
getdata.p is:

empty temp-table tempdb.
find first transsales no-lock no-error.
if avail transsales then do:
create tempdb.
buffer-copy transsales to tempdb.

- we display the record value using field in widget in client side.
- this issue happens currently, we already implemented the system for almost 3 years.

can anyone suggest a solution for us ?

thank you..


Well-Known Member
Is your AppServer session started with -rereadnolock?

When not used, if a record has already been read by AppServer agent A and the record has been modified by AppServer agent B, then AppServer agent A will still show the record as how it thought it existed and feels no need to reread the record.
Thx Stefan for your respond..

No we didn't use -rereadnolock .. We will try this option...

But why it happen now...after almost 3 year . . it this related to data growth ?



Well-Known Member
No, it is not related to data growth - more likely concurrency, user growth.

Nevertheless, as Stefan suggested and IMHO, -rereadnolock is recommended for AppServer.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.