Data Extract


New Member
I would like to extract data from QAD into MS-Access. I have the following questions:

1. Where do i get a list of fields in each table?
2. Can I directly link QAD to Access (ODBC)?
3. If I cannot link, can I run batch processing for data extracts?
4. Are there any books/user groups/etc that can help me?

I am good at programming and have worked with SAP and Oracle before.

Thanks for all your help.


1. Use the query below to retrieve all the table and field information in your current database.


for each _file where not _file-name begins "_" no-lock:
disp _file-name label "Tablename".
for each _field of _file no-lock:
disp _field-name label "Fieldname" _desc label "Desc" no-wait.

2. To connect to QAD. You need to know the following;
a. Host name
b. port at which the database is connected.
c. login (host server).
d. password (host server).
If you have all this go to windows\system\drivers folder and edit the HOSTS file with the IP address of the hosts and the host name.

3. Go to ODBC in windows, select the Progress ODBC Merrant Driver. Supply the above necessary information and connect.

I have not tried this myself due to security constraints in my workplace to connect to remote systems. If it does not work, let me know where you got stucked.



New Member
You can also download the file relationship and/or the database definitions to have the relations between tables and the fields within the tables.


New Member
In QAD relationships between tables have to be specified externally. The best source of information would be QAD's documentation. There are 2 key documents for what you are trying to accomplish: db_def and entity_diagrams. Both are pdf and come along with the QAD CD suite.
You can also download from

You will require a QAD user-ID.

Hope this helps you