Custom error messages


New Member
Is it possible to adjust the webspeed error messages?
having the filename where the error occurs in the log-file would be a great help.
Try adding -debugalert to the start up parameters for the agent - this will give you a stack trace for every message.
Thanks, escript, the -debugalert option is a great tip.

The line number in the stack trace refers to line numbers produced from a COMPILE with the DEBUG-LIST option.
escript said:
Try adding -debugalert to the start up parameters for the agent - this will give you a stack trace for every message.
do you mean the WSBroker agent?
where do we put it? is it here?
wtbman -name wsbroker1 -start -debugalert
or else?

MadMichael said:
Thanks, escript, the -debugalert option is a great tip.

The line number in the stack trace refers to line numbers produced from a COMPILE with the DEBUG-LIST option.

Where can we see it? is it in the log file, or it displayed when we compile our programs?



You'll need to add it to the Agent startup parameters (under the Agent - General section of Progress Explorer) or you can edit, for example: srvrStartupParam=-p web\objects\web-disp.p -weblogerror

The messages/stack trace will then be shown in the server log file.



Maybe I don't understand the question correctly but if you want to customize (trap) any (messenger) error then you can use the WSMAdmin utility.

from the CustomizeErrMsgs page:
This page displays the errors that are currently set to display custom text or redirect to a URL. You can hit "New" to create a new custom message. When there are messages shown here, you can "Reset All To Default". This will remove all messages that you currently have set. Each message will have a "Delete" button that will delete only that particular message. Each message will also have an "Edit" button that will bring you to a page to edit the message.

You can also edit the file where the changes are saved directly:
  1. Create a file called wsCusErr.txt and put it in your Work dir.
  2. Edit the file in the following manner: Every error has the following format: [error number] [error type]
    [message or url] Where [error number] is the number of the error, or 0. 0 = catch-all (if no other message is caught, this will be) [error type] is 0, 1, or 2. 0 = off
    1 = custom message
    2 = redirect to url
  3. Examples: To catch error 8239 and put custom text when the error occurs: 8239 1
    Name Server is not responding. Please contact administrator. To do the same, but redirect any other message: 8239 1
    Name Server is not responding. Please contact administrator.
    0 2
  4. If you are using wsisa.dll or wsnsa.dll, you don't have to restart your webserver to pick up the changes in the file.

See also: KB 18841:


yoachan said:
Where can we see it? is it in the log file, or it displayed when we compile our programs?



With the -debugalert option set for the broker, the
[broker-name].server.log will show a 'stack trace' for each Progress error. The first stack trace message references a 'line number' where the error occurred.

The output from 'compile [program-name] debug-list [output-filename].'
will show line numbers that correspond to the line numbers shown in the stack trace.
A bit confused. But it's ok. I have learned a lot here.

But can we do program debugging like in c++, pascal, VB etc? Can we trace our variables using watch variable, step-by-step running, and so ever? And when an error occurs every single error displayed at once. But in WebSpeed, sometimes it only displays the first error. so after we fix the first error, we found another error.

