connecting to progress db on NT


New Member
I am using progress 8.3c
I am trying to connect to a progress db on nT4.0 server.I have started the db on serevr by following command in a .bat file
u:\DLC83c\bin\_mprosrv.exe f:\user\user\vivek\mat_data.db -B 8000 -L 10000 -S mat_data -N TCP
where mat_data is the db as wll as service name,

I am trying to connect a client pc having progress installation to this database by follwoing .pf

-db mat_data -ld mat_data -H BRITAXNT -S mat_data -N TCP -trig TRIGGERS
-d dmy -yy 1920 -Bt 350 -c 30 -D 100 -mmax 8192 -nb 200 -s 63 -inp 32000 -p main.p

where mat_data is the db as well as service name, Britaxnt is the server name

services file in winnt\system32\etc has entry for mat_data as
mat_dat 6601/tcp
host file has entry for britaxnt

I get error message 5192 - ' unable to find server mat_data with protocol TCP in file services or services not not in expected location'

How can I rectify this and connect to db in a multiuser mode.




New Member
I assume you have typed your services entry incorrectly as it states mat_dat not mat_data.

I suggest that you check you do not have anything else running on port 6601. I would also double check that you can ping britanxt. In addition check that you only have the one services file.

Make sure
mat_data 6601/tcp
is in your system32\drivers\etc\services file. If it is the last entry of the services file, make sure that at least one new line exists after it (because of a known Microsoft behavior).
