connect error to progress with


New Member
i have application using Progress database,
I used class System.Data.Odbc to publish a ODBCconnection to connect with progress on a local
Here my code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

string con = "Dsn=UserM;host=localhost;port=2000;db=UserM;uid=***;pwd=***";
OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection(con);


userM dsn is Datasource name i have registered on my computer

with destop application, i have no errors, but with Asp application: i got: 'Data source name not found and no default driver specified' :confused:

Any one have idear, thanks.



New Member
I have my app to run progress via SQL server as it is much more effiecient.

Do you have SQL server available to work with? If so....

Simply set up a linked server to link to your progress DB. Either hve scheduled stored procedures or call them from an page to import the progress data into SQL.

any problems let me know.


New Member
i disconnected from SQL Explorer when was running app, and it worked!

but i have another problem:
'failure getting record lock'
i think that cause by 2 transaction open at a time,
Can you tell me SQL commanf to check session exist and close it?